St Peter and St Paul, Cudham
and St Mary,

Tel: 01959 571515
Email the Office

Prayer resources and requests


Prayer resources 

For daily prayer times please click on the links for the order of service for Morning and Afternoon prayers -

9.00am Morning Prayers  Monday - Friday

5.00pm Afternoon Prayers Monday - Friday


Other resources as an aid to prayer are -

Mid-day prayer

Evening prayer

Night prayer


If you would like ideas on how to pray The Church of England website offer morning prayers on their website


Also if you prefer to listen to prayers log onto



Prayer Requests  - is an important ministry of our two parishes.  If you would like prayer for someone you know or for something that concerns you, please let us know by contacting the parish office on 01959 571515, email or use the enquiry form on the 'Contact Us' page and we will confidentially pass your request onto our prayer group and they will pray for you.





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