St Peter and St Paul, Cudham
and St Mary,

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Faith Journeys

At the end of March 2019 people from around the Parishes of the Deanery joined together in Cudham Church as Bishop Simon led a service of confirmation when adults and teenagers responded to the Good News of Jesus by making promises and declaring their faith publicly.  The following are testimonies from each of the candidates about their journey –


Jonathan - I came to faith when I was at school, at the age of 15, and after trying a succession of different churches ended up in the Salvation Army.  My parents, who are not believers, never had me baptised, and in the Salvation Army of course there is no expectation at all of that kind of thing - rather the reverse.  By the time I joined another church when moving to this area for work, it felt rather incongruous to be baptised:  I had been an active Christian for 14 years already.  It wasn't until I became part of St Martin's church in Chelsfield and joined the PCC last year that I was finally baptised and put myself forward for confirmation.

Ed - I had the privilege of being taught the Christian faith by my parents from as long ago as I can remember. As a result, during my school years I was baptised convinced that Jesus died for my sins on the cross. At university I began to follow Jesus as the Lord his resurrection proved him to be. Following Jesus has not been easy. I fail every day. But God has kept Jesus as my greatest treasure. For most of the past 10 years, I have been a part of church families within the Church of England, which God has used to keep me going. So, it is a delight to be confirmed within this church. 

Owen - I have been brought up in a Christian family, I was baptised into the Church of England at St Mary’s in Downe when I was 4 months old. My parents decided this course for me and appointed some Godparents to support me in the development of my Christian way of life and beliefs. My confirmation marks the point where I am happy to take responsibility for my pursuit of my future Christian life.

Hester - I was born into a Christian household to Christian parents, from where I have acquired my beliefs and values. When I was 3 months old my parents took me along to our local church at Downe and I was baptised into the Church of England a course decided for me by my parents and supported by my Godparents. I feel that it is now time for me to take on that responsibility and confirm that I have chosen the Christian path for myself.

Amelia - All my life I’ve been surrounded by Christians, listening to the stories of the gospels and Old Testament and of how God has answered my families prayers as well as my own.  I feel safe and at peace at church and love learning more about my God.  Now, when my friends ask or challenge me about my faith, I find myself always naturally defending God as my faith in him has grown to this point.  This confirmation is the obvious next step for my Christian journey which is an exciting place to be.

John - From as long as I can remember I have always had a faith, started when I wanted to join the cubs at the age of 7 or 8 and it was part of the process, you joined the cubs, you went to church. As I grew and went from cubs to scouts I was always there at church parades etc and then the church youth club from there it was a natural progression to bible study with the vicar and church choir (before my voice broke!). Learning more and more about Jesus. The church was a non conformist church and baptism was never an issue. When my mother died in 1990 my wife became part of St Mary’s subsequently being confirmed and training as a Pastoral Assistant and joining the PCC. I supported her in what she did, joining her at church on Sundays, eventually becoming Treasurer for St Mary’s and more recently St Peter and St Paul, growing all the time in Christ. It now feels the right time to fully commit to Christ.


If you have thought about being confirmed, or baptised (if you haven’t been already)?  and you would like to find out more, please contact the Parish Office and leave a message on the answerphone - tel: 01959 571515 or email  As we are in a time of vacancy for a vicar, the Parish Administrator will return your call as soon as possible.

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