St Peter and St Paul, Cudham
and St Mary,

Tel: 01959 571515
Email the Office


Services during June 2024


Sunday 2nd June - First Sunday after Trinity
09.30am Holy Communion Service at St Mary's, Downe including a short commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, with refreshments afterwards.
11.00am Worship Together in St Katherine's, Cudham Church.  Theme "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening".  Reading: 1 Samuel 3: 1-10.  All welcome to this time of informal worship as we reflect on the challenge of being open to God's word speaking to and through us today.  Including creative activities, light refreshments and table talk, in a time of fellowship and friendship for all the family.

Tuesday 4th June
10.00am Service of the Word at St Mary's, Downe - a quiet and reflective service

Sunday 9th June - Second Sunday after Trinity
09.30am Morning Worship with prayers for healing at St Mary's, Downe
11.00am Holy Communion and prayers for healing and Sunday Club at Cudham Church.

Tuesday 11th June
10.00am Holy Communion Service at St Mary's, Downe - a quiet and reflective service

Sunday 16th June - Father's Day
09.30am All Age Service with Holy Communion at St Mary's, Downe
11.00am All Age Service at Cudham Church

Tuesday 18th June
10.00am Holy Communion Service at St Mary's, Downe - a quiet and reflective service

Sunday 23rd June - Fourth Sunday after Trinity
09.30am Morning Worship at St Mary's, Downe
11.00am Holy Communion Service and Sunday Club at Cudham Church

Tuesday 25th June
10.00am Holy Communion Service at St Mary's, Downe - a quiet and reflective service

Sunday 30th June - Patronal Festival / St Peter and St Paul (with St Mary) Day
- when we will be celebrating our united parishes and focusing on our patron Saints, Peter, Paul and Mary (Magdalen) whose feast days occur around this time.
10.30am United Café Church at Cudham Parish Hall, Cudham Lane South, TN14 7QA, with refreshments available. Sorry, no livestreaming this week.


2023 Documents relating to our APCM on Sunday 12th May 2024 are available here -

Our weekly notice sheet contains information about our services, activities, events and much more.  Please  also check our calendar

Previous services are available to watch via our YouTube channel, our facebook page and by video via our webpage  Information can also be found on our facebook page (homepage)


Services in St. Peter & St. Paul, Cudham 

Sunday services are held at 11am on every Sunday.

The pattern of services in Cudham church are as follows:

  • 1st  - All Age Worship
  • 2nd - Holy Communion and Sunday Club
  • 3rd -  Morning Worship and Sunday Club
  • 4th -  Holy Communion and Sunday Club


Services in St Mary, Downe

Sunday services in Downe are at 10am on every Sunday.

The pattern of services in Downe church are as follows:

  • 1st -  Holy Communion
  • 2nd - Morning Worship
  • 3rd -  Holy Communion
  • 4th -  All Age Worship

Holy Communion Services are held on Tuesdays at 10am at Downe


5th Sundays

In a month with a 5th Sunday, a united service may be held at 10.30am at Downe or Cudham.
Please check the
calendar to see timings and where services are taking place.
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